Jackson Zhang

Front End Web Developer



I fell in love with programming and I have at least learnt something, I think… 🤷‍♂️ I am fluent in classics like Javascript and Python. My field of Interest's are building new Web Technologies and Products Whenever possible, I also apply my passion for developing products with Modern Javascript Frameworks like Node.js , React.js and React Native




July 2020 - May 2021, MA
  • Adopted NPM to manipulate and manage modules and install necessary development tools, such as react-router-dom, react-redux, Express.js and Webpack.
  • Developed and used Reducers used to receive actions to modify the store-state tree.
  • Successfully created and implemented new features such as add/delete functions in the application using React web components aimed for collaborative user editing.
  • Implemented visually pleasing and real-time bar charts through using the Highcharts Library.
  • Managed onClick events such as add/remove items in the form, checkout, and report triggered created with Bootstrap and React components.
  • Created reusable components and stylesheets following given UI standards and guidelines
  • Develop new mobile application on Android and IOS By using React Native .
  • Performed Unit-tests using testing runners such as Jest and Enzyme .
  • Participated in daily Scrum meetings, Sprints, and other Agile/Scrum project management workflow.


July 2019 - June 2020, MA
  • Participated in the design of a renovated single-page web application containing user-interactive screens using React.
  • Took responsibilities for SPA development using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js, React, and Bootstrap.
  • Made use of CSS preprocessors such as Scss to create style components reused across the application.
  • Maintained a short polling system and implemented unidirectional Server-sent events (SSE) for server-controlled messages.
  • Collaborated with back-end engineers to optimize existing and deprecate unnecessary API calls to improve efficiency.
  • Carried out Unit tests based on test cases generated by Jest and Enzyme.
  • Used Git to fulfill version control of the project and avoid unexpected conflicts among development endeavors.


May 2017 - July 2019, MA
  • Designed and Developed interactive UI applications using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript(ES6), React, NodeJS, jQuery, Ajax, and JSON.
  • Built highly reusable UI components with React and implemented UI mock-ups using third-party React libraries Ant-Design.
  • In charge of building dynamic web pages and dealing with asynchronous events using Ajax and JSON.
  • Used Redux to fulfill global state maintenance and the pass of stateless data in components for the SPA.
  • Developed CSS templates that might be reused for all pages of the application using LESS.
  • Used NPM to manage a variety of modules and install useful development tools such as Grunt.
  • Worked with Jest and Enzyme unit test frameworks to write unit test scripts for the application.
  • Performed Push, Merge, and other version control activities using Git in the development process.
  • Involved in daily Scrum meetings and communicating with the Scrum Master to keep track of the ongoing project status and issues.


June 2016 - May 2017, MA
  • Created the user interactive and cross-browser web pages using web technologies like HTML5, CSS, Javascript(ES6), and jQuery following the company’s standards.
  • Developed content pages with CSS3 layouts and style mark-up presentations with JavaScript methods and properties.
  • Created Interactive graphic user interactive screens with the help of JavaScript, jQuery, and Ajax.
  • Created and deployed new features based on the client's story in order to sustain and amend the existing applications.
  • Fetched data from RESTful APIs using Ajax and JSON calls to keep the DOM updated.
  • Strictly followed the principles of Test-driven development using Mocha and Chai for unit testing. Managed version control and co-worked with other developers using Git.
  • Followed Agile/Scrum development methodologies.



GitHub Repo
An in-browser classic game built by using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap. Players can multiplayer games.
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Worked in a team of three to create a e-commence website which sells hats. Users can view our hats and add to/ remove from their cart, checkout by using Stripe and see order history.Back-end built with express and a MongoDB database with handlebars, bootstrap, and JavaScript front-end.
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Movie review website -moviedb is a movie review web application that help people review and add their favorite movie and new release movie. The backend is built using Express and Node with a MongoDB, while the frontend is built with React,Axios
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